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Cannabis delivery has, over the last few years, experienced a transformation. Now, having your cannabis delivered is as easy and enjoyable as it always should have been. Today, you can browse your favorite cannabis products online, then have your order put together for you and delivered directly to your door. There are even services that carry a portable card-reader so you don’t even have to stop by the bank to cover your order with cash.

But cannabis delivery hasn’t always been this simple. In the rocky early days of the cannabis industry, delivery services had a hard time getting started – even here in Las Vegas where convenience and concierge experiences are what we do best. If you’ve never ordered a marijuana delivery before, you’re in for a treat. Sit back, relax, and let us tell you what to expect from your cannabis delivery service today, along with how things have changed for the better in the last few years.


Quick Answer: What Can I Expect If I Order a Cannabis Delivery from Medizin Las Vegas Today?

If you’re here for the TLDR, let us hook you up with the quick, useful answer you’re probably after. If you log into the Medizin Las Vegas online cannabis menu right now, (really, anytime) you will find the option to order delivery between 6 am and 11:45 Pm every day. Here’s how it works:


  • Build your cannabis order online
  • Select delivery when you check out
  • Make sure your ID is scanned and your delivery address is correct
  • Choose to pay in cash or debit at your door
  • We’ll bring you your cannabis delivery within the hour!

The Rocky Beginnings of Cannabis Delivery

Cannabis delivery was not always easy. In fact, it’s been a hard-won battle in every state where you can find dispensaries that deliver.  There have been a lot of hurdles, more than a few changing regulations, and a great deal of creativity needed to overcome the see challenges. Let’s take a look at some of the things that we’ve faced so that, today, you can enjoy cannabis delivered right to your door.


Cannabis Delivery is Not Legally Available in All Cannabis Markets

Not all states that have legalized or partially legalized cannabis have also authorized cannabis delivery, and who is allowed to drive cannabis can even fall into the labyrinth of cannabis legal code from state to state -sometimes even differing between cities and counties. Arkansas, Delaware, Louisiana, Virginia,  and Alaska, for example, each permit medical-only cannabis, and marijuana delivery is specifically not permitted.

In Maine, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, medical cannabis can be delivered, but recreational cannabis cannot be. Vermont and Washington both permit medical and recreational cannabis, but no form of delivery. In West Virginia and Minnesota, medical marijuana is available, but can only be delivered by a caregiver.


Legal Cannabis Transport Restrictions

Then there’s the matter of finding people who are licensed and available to drive the cannabis deliveries. In some states, like Washington, any cannabis delivery service is also required to apply for and receive a cannabis retailer’s license, like a dispensary, to secure the safe handling of cannabis by everyone in the chain of custody between the grower and the end-user. 

In many states, cannabis delivery drivers must work directly for the dispensary from which they deliver, and as we mentioned, two states only allow caregivers of medical marijuana patients to deliver cannabis for their prescribed clients.


The Photo ID Requirement

It is also necessary to keep cannabis delivery entirely limited only to license-holding adults and/or card-carrying patients. This means we still absolutely must confirm that the person who made the order did so legally and that this is the same person who answers the door to receive the cannabis when delivered.


Cash or Debit Only Restrictions

Because cannabis still is not federally legal, payment card processors won’t handle cannabis transactions – which means we are still a cash-only business. Because many people need to run to the bank to get the right amount of cash for a cannabis order, this has also put some restrictions on delivery implementation.


Complications in Multi-State Markets

Finally, some states have multi-state communities that span the border of two states like Bristol, Kansas City, Union City, the NYC area, South Chicago, East Philadelphia, and other near-border metropolitan areas. Because states have different cannabis laws and cannabis cannot yet cross state lines, delivery services must be extremely careful that clients only order from dispensaries within their state, and with routes that do not cross state lines on common highways.


The Evolving Cannabis Industry Solutions to Easy Delivery

Fortunately for Nevada residents and Medizin Las Vegas dispensary customers,  we have worked hard to provide a truly fast and convenient cannabis delivery service here in Las Vegas. Let’s dive into the ways that cannabis delivery is smoother, easier, and more accessible today than it was two or three years previously.


Dedicated Cannabis Delivery Teams

We solved the problem of “Who can delivery cannabis?” by building a dedicated team of knowledgeable cannabis delivery drivers who are directly employed by our Medizin Las Vegas dispensary. We make sure every single one of our drivers is expertly versed on safe cannabis handling regulations, consumer privacy, and identity verification so that you (and only you) receive the correct cannabis delivery order every time.

By training our own delivery drivers, you also benefit from our internal efficiency. We make sure orders get out fast, without waiting for a third-party delivery driver to be available.


Having IDs On Record to Check At Your Door

Next was the challenge of making sure that all cannabis orders only reached the hands of legal adults and medical card holders. To do this, we found the easiest way is to keep a photo of your ID on file, then compare it to your real-life face and the ID in your hand when we arrive.

This makes a quick, easy, safe, and legal way to bring cannabis to responsible adult customers and medical card-holders.


Portable Debit Card Readers

Finally, there was the inconvenience of all-cash orders for delivery. A cannabis delivery can range anywhere from $50 to a few hundred dollars and most people just don’t keep that much cash on hand. So, for anyone who didn’t swing by the ATM on their way home from work, our delivery drivers each have a portable debit card reader so that we can check your ID and accept direct payment and get rid of the ATM middle-man.


What Does Cannabis Delivery Look Like in 2022?

Marijuana delivery in 2022 is looking pretty darn good, these days. The innovations displayed by Medizin Las Vegas have spread throughout the cannabis industry and through cannabis markets in multiple states. It is now easier than ever to have your online cannabis order delivered conveniently to your home. If this sounds like exactly what you need right now, contact us today or swing by the Medizin Las Vegas online cannabis menu and try a cannabis delivery order for yourself. We’ll see you in about an hour.

Medizin Dispensary
4850 W Sunset Rd Ste #130

MM Development Company Inc. CE ID D215

T: 702-248-0346

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